A customer, disappointed with a poorly built Craigslist arcade, sought my expertise for new side artwork. Upon inspection, I found numerous flaws and suggested building a new cabinet. Knowing his wife loved Galaga, I designed a themed arcade. The original machine had many issues, including a failing computer. I created a new cabinet, installed a modern computer, reprogrammed it, assembled controllers, wired electrical components, added speakers, a light-up marquee, and new T-molding. The client and his wife were thrilled with the high-quality, anniversary-worthy arcade.
I began to get frustrated but since I did promise, I began to create a whole new cabinet, installed a new computer, reprogrammed it so it could run various systems, assembled the controllers, wired all the electrical components, installed speakers, lit up marquee, and new t-molding. I called the client and he stopped by with his wife to pick up the brand-new arcade here's what happened
The guy on Craigslist is still selling these bar tops please do your research before buying. My client ended up giving away 800 bucks. Don’t go for the first option, so many people are doing this as a hobby or as part time, they don't have the knowledge or tools to do something professional. I have redone a lot of machines from other sellers and always end up spending more. Here at arcade86 we are professionals and an established business that will always create something unique for each client.